German Hardneck Music Seed Garlic

Large German Hardneck Music Seed Garlic for growing and eating.


German Hardneck Music Seed Garlic is a Porcelain variety of garlic that produces large bulbs of garlic with 4-6 giant cloves. This variety of garlic is bred for seasonal climates that experience a hard frost. The individual cloves are planted in mid-October and best suited for Hardiness Zones 2 to 6.

Music garlic boasts a rich garlicky flavor, strong and spicy when eaten raw or sautéed. When roasted, the garlic develops a “creamy” taste that is sweeter and full in flavor without bitterness. Many customers with garlic intolerance have had success eating garlic prepared this way.

• 1lb = approximately 5 large bulbs or 20–30 cloves (plants)
• Plant in mid-October 2-3 inches deep with a spacing of about 6-8 inches
• Garlic scapes, which are edible, shoot up in June
• Bulbs are ready for harvest in mid-July when the fourth or fifth leaf is dying off
• Grows best outside in well-draining soil with a layer of mulch on top
• Can be grown in pots, raised beds, and directly into the ground
• Often planted a perimeter plant, its pungent smell warding off pests and animals

Grown in Connecticut without the use of pesticides and herbicides using Regenerative Agriculture practices.

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs